International Sunset Social

International Sunset Social

Last Thursday, CCWA teamed up with the International Student Council to host the International Sunset Social! In true “back-to-school” style, CCWAers and ISC members alike gathered on the South Oval for an ice cream social. Members from both student organizations partook in a game of ultimate frisbee and an impromptu dance party (started by yours truly), while others elected to sit back and simply enjoy the sunset.

This was a new event for CCWA and truly did live up to the “100% Guaranteed Good Time” standard we always promise our members. Sharing some tie or interest in international affairs, members from both student organizations had a great time getting to know each other.

To all new members, old members, and our new friends from ISC who joined us at the International Sunset Social: it was great to see everyone and I can’t wait to see future CCWA club collaborations!

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CCWA Attends the Columbus Climate Strike

First Shrunkmunc of the Year

First Shrunkmunc of the Year