Memories: Sam's Thank You to CCWA

Thank you CCWA,
Thank you for familiar evening walks to Derby 080, and for late-night and roundabout walks home.
Thank you for odd, hilarious, brilliant, loving, opinionated, and dedicated friends, new and graduated.
Thank you for impassioned exec members, and for many late nights of shared responsibility.
Thank you for reliable Jeopardies, for nervous Members of the Week, for proud CCWA10s, and for wild and competitive Jam Sessions.
Thank you for starlit cabins in the woods, bubbling hot-tubs, crackling fires, and forested trails.
Thank you for numerous road trips to cities at first alien and soon familiar, and the companionship of competition and travel.
Thank you for Sunday afternoons of devious crisis notes and both spirited and sleepy debate alike.
Thank you for dinners, internationally themed and locally cooked, and for MUNsions dead and reborn.
Thank you for the family, and the support, conflict, and love that accompanied it.
Thank you for the comfort of many laughs, loves, triumphs, and joys.
Thank you for the growth of many anxieties, tears, losses, and challenges.
Thank you for 4 years of memories.
- Sam Taglia, President (2018-19)