First Shrunkmunc of the Year

First Shrunkmunc of the Year

Noting with deep regret and concern the increasingly extreme consequences of global warming…” - OSU Delegates of the Develop, Adapt and Mitigate Bloc

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This past weekend, CCWA delegates new and old ventured out of the basement of Derby Hall and into the Ohio Union Senate Chamber for CCWA’s first ShrunkMUNC of the year (think: mini Model UN conference). The topic of debate was the global climate crisis, and with current news headlines such as the burning Amazon and Indonesia’s move of its capital from the coastal city of Jakarta, the topic couldn’t have been more timely. 

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At the end of the day, four blocs proposed resolutions drawing upon ideas of green development, emissions regulations, and environmental protection to create ~comprehensive~ solutions to the ongoing crisis. And while not every proposition was able to reach consensus, there is one thing we can all agree on: MUN Szn is finally here, and we couldn’t be more excited!

Shaking off the dust of the summer hiatus from MUN, delegates got right back down to business-- debating and crafting solutions for one of modern day’s most complex and challenging global issues.

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Miss out on the action? Join us for our next ShrunkMUNC! 

Sunday, Sept. 15th, 1pm - 5:30pm

Sign up here:

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