Hello There!

Hello There!


Hello, everyone!  Welcome to the official Blog of the Collegiate Council on World Affairs.  Prepare yourself for riveting accounts of club happenings, organization news, and MUN fun galore.  We have a lot of exciting things in the works and I can’t wait to share what all we’re going to be diving into this semester.  But first, a little introduction:

My name is Lizzy Roka and I’m a first year at The Ohio State University.  I joined CCWA last semester and have since participated in a handful of our internal “Shrunkmuncs,” been elected as the Director of Social Events of UNA, and even attended Boston University’s Model United Nations Conference this past fall.  But finally, as you could have guessed, I’ve been asked to head the Blog on our newly finished website! So if you have any suggestions or questions on anything Blog-related, I’m your girl.

On this Blog, we’re planning to cover a variety of different club-related topics, ranging from updates on our team performance at MUN conferences to personal accounts of different membership events we’ll be having throughout Spring semester.  In the next coming weeks, you can expect to learn lots about our preparation for the highly anticipated, highly competitive McMUN tournament and how to get involved with our fast approaching OSUMUN conference.

As always, CCWA has lots to look forward to this semester— which now means lots to look forward to on the Blog, too!  So stay tuned for more posts and club commentary to come. Until then…

Over and out!

- Lizzy Roka

P.S. To all members who just can’t get enough CCWA and want to write about it, we would love to have your voice heard on the Blog.  If you want to start writing, please feel free to contact me or Executive Secretary Simon Pollayil.

Vive la France!... and French-Canada!

Vive la France!... and French-Canada!