Vive la France!... and French-Canada!

Vive la France!... and French-Canada!

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Bonjour!  Here’s your weekly CCWA update:

This past Monday, we held our first internal “shrunkmunc” of Spring semester and word on the street is that it was très magnifique!  The shrunkmunc was a Crisis committee centered on the French Revolution and included all your favorite figures from the era, like Robespierre (Sasha Zborovsky) and King Louis XVI, but with your classic Crisis twists.  This time around, the King was found innocent at his trial and was ultimately spared from the guillotine. Robespierre, on the other hand, wasn’t as lucky to escape his historically accurate fate. But the culmination of tragedy occurred with the death of Marat (Matt Schwamberger), who perished in a classic case of poisoned ointment.  Terror, needless to say, reigned on our delegation.

In other MUN-related, but only somewhat less French news, CCWA is headed to Montreal!  Our organization has assembled a team of some of our finest Model UN-ers to compete at McMUN, the largest Model United Nations conference in Canada.  Among those competing are our very own Sam Taglia, Abi McGowan, Anya Chew, and Vince Glidden.

Hosted by McGill University, McMUN will feature a variety of competitive committees, ranging from GAs on sustainable development goals to a Crisis committee on the Marvel nation of Wakanda.  The conference will be held this weekend, from January 24th to the 27th.

It’s clear that our team will have to poutine some serious work this week, so be sure to give your Canada-bound CCWA friends a “Bon Voyage!” before they go!  Check back in next week for a personal account of McMUN by our very own Abi McGowan. `Til then…

À tout à l’heure!

- Lizzy Roka

CCWA goes to McMUN

CCWA goes to McMUN

Hello There!

Hello There!